computer applications
This course will be introducing students to the world of Computer Generated 3-Dimensional drawings. The course will be taught with minimal handouts but there will be lectures and tutorial sessions for the students in order to experiment with the software. Students are advised to practice daily, as only through practice will they be able to understand and master the software. They are also encouraged to carry out self-research in regards to the other capabilities and more complicated features of 3DS Max and Revit Architecture. Students will also be taught the potential of “cross breeding” different softwares, in order to garner the necessary desired results for their visualisation work.
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Project 1 : WIP (Work in Progress)
The main plan was found online and features a two storey residential building with the required components. The family components are the double glass door at the entrance and the timbre louvres at the back. There are concrete extensions constructed on the walls of the facade for aesthetical values.
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1 : The project started off by constructing the ground floor plan according to dimensions given in the references. Components like doors were added. Basic grids were drawn for reference.
2 : Next, the 1st floor plan was done. Components like the door were added.
3 : The stairs were placed and aligned in order to fit in to the walls. Railings were added to the places needed. Floor slabs were added.
4 : A view of the 3D model to check if the walls and floor are carefully placed.
5 : a family component : the grids to draw louvre window is created.
6 : the required parameters of the louvres are defined in the properties and the louvre window created, loaded into the project.
7 : the 2nd family component, a double glass door with handle is to be created. A metric door template was used and loaded to construct it.
8 : The dimensions and frame and glass extrusions are created.
9 : The door handles are loaded into the family component.
10 : A 3D shaded view of the door showing how the steel handles are aligned at the desirable place on the glass door. (at both in interior and exterior sides)
11 : The louvres and double glass door are loaded into the project.
12 : The concrete extensions on the wall that extrude out is created.
13 : the extrusions at a 3D view.
14 : constructing a flat roof.
15 : an orthographic cut of the finished model with the section box.
16 : both the section view altered : join columns, drawing columns indications by cut profiles. The roof joists drawn. importing orthographic drawings into the sheets.
17 : A shaded view of the 3D model with details refined.
18 : created a exploded axonometric view to show the overall compoment of the spaces; how they are joined.
Revit was relatively difficult to start with in comparing to the model creating software I started with : sketchup. It was because it was strict with systems and parameters. It seemed to lack of the some kind of "freedom" that architecture focuses on : forms, spaces. It cannot be initiated with a "sketchy" things and concepts. Soon I accepted the idea that it was because it is an "industrial standard" in the field of architecture.
At first, I found drawing walls and solving some interface problems difficult because it requires a set of specific procedures. I relied heavily on youtube videos and the revit community when encountering problems that I need to solve during the process. The community and content creators were extremely friendly and assisted me with my problems.
The most fascinating part of revit for me was creating a family component outside the project and loading it into the project. It created so much more possibility and details into projects. The intricate parameters of each can provide such flexibility for errors for example in dimensions and save so much time.
Learning revit was more than just learning how to make a "standard" architecture digital model and create documentations for projects. It provided a glimpse to me of how the real standards of the industry were like and revealed the complexity of the process and intricacy of details for every structure or building designed and put onto actual ground. Mastering revit would be really useful in pursuing related careers.
Project 2 : WIP (Work in Progress)
Exterior and Interior Rendering in 3DS Max
1. The model in Revit was exported as a FBX file and imported into 3DS Max for Rendering.
2. A Physical camera was added into the view to do a render of the exterior perspective of the model.
3. The Physical camera was moved to be at eye level of 1500 mm.
4. The Physical Camera is adjusted into the wire lines mode and showing the view to be rendered (which is rather out of frame)
5. The focal length of the camera was adjusted to a higher value to ensure the rendered view has the whole view of the model.
6. Positioning the sun to have daylighting onto the render.
7. The radius and north offset of the sun positioner is adjusted to optimize the render.
8. The render setup is adjusted to ART renderer and quality also adjusted.
9. Environment and effects settings adjusted to have optimal rendering effects.
10. Reassuring prerender settings and changing the render view.
11. Exterior Render completed.
12. Downlights placed in the revit model.
13. Model with furniture placed was imported into 3DS Max File.
14. Furniture and model assigned with suitable materials.
15. Experimenting on Materials onto furniture walls and flooring.
16. Interior lighting settings adjusted and further testing on materials within the site.
17. Final interior settings adjusted and interior perspective rendering completed.
Exterior Rendering with Site Context and Human Figure
Interior Rendering with Human Figure